2 thoughts on “Prodigy S02 E20 – Ouroboros Part 2

  1. 2 things…

    1. I have been a Star trek fan my whole life but as an adult I have come to despise time travel stories. I hate them, there are always plot wholes and this season of Prodigy had a huge one. The struggle is real for a fan like me, and this being a kids show doesn’t excuse this.

    2. Despite the time travel thing and little writing inconsistencies. I really enjoyed this season; it was a good star trek season. For me, my star trek core memories are not the episodes or the lesson those episodes were trying to teach. It’s the small moments that writers wrote in because they had 20 plus episodes to fill. These moments had nothing to do with the plot or were part of side story and were usually comedic but the they made the world feel lived in. Like when Garrek tried Root beer for the first time, then he and Quark when on to talk about how insidious the Federation is. Quark trying to take a holo-photo of Kira for his pervert client only to get caught by Kira and Odo. Chakotay and Janeway talking about the rumor that an entire lower deck is pregnant because Tom Parris saw the doctor working on generational projections. These are the moments that missed in Star trek and this season of Prodigy had quite a few for 30 min episodes. My Star Trek Island now has the core memory of the Doctor loudly announcing “this is the end!” of his new book only to freak out his patient. I have come to care about these characters so I hope Netflix picks up this up for season 3. It’s also the only new Star Trek that has brough me closer to how I felt when watching 90’s star trek. Just not a time travel story.

    1. Beautifully put, and I agree. Those little moments make the shows feel “cozy” is, I suppose, how I’d put it. But yeah, agreed on the time travel.

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