Star Trek – What Are Little Girls Made Of? Posted on June 21, 2019June 20, 2019 by Nique Become a Patron!
Nit-picking a five-year-old, entertaining recap, but why, “Dr. FiancĂ©e”? That word designates a female to whom one is engaged. A male is a “fiancĂ©.” Is this an error, some sort of gendered-language-patrol-baiting, or some strangely prescient reference to the Strange New World bi/pan version of Chapel? Hey, pointless nit-picking is such a fannish thing, no? I enjoy the recaps! Reply
Nit-picking a five-year-old, entertaining recap, but why, “Dr. FiancĂ©e”? That word designates a female to whom one is engaged. A male is a “fiancĂ©.” Is this an error, some sort of gendered-language-patrol-baiting, or some strangely prescient reference to the Strange New World bi/pan version of Chapel? Hey, pointless nit-picking is such a fannish thing, no?
I enjoy the recaps!