
When answering phones for a living it is essential to wear floral patterns in order to keep a positive attitude towards the dumpster fires of humanity that call in with customer complaints. “Sexy Librarian” chic will further ensure that you are attractive yet non-threatening towards said dumpster fires who come to complain in person.



When copywriting it helps to wear a turquoise top with purple tights. These cool colours will keep you chill as you look for ways in which to market pointless products to people who don’t need them.


TPS reports

When handing in TPS reports, it helps to wear a kicky mini with a matching sheer top involving a neck bow. Top it off with a jaunty floral blazer and matching tights and heels. Your supervisor will be blown away by how girly and yet professional you can be when doing unpaid overtime.



Filing documents will be a walk in the park in this cool as an ocean breeze aquamarine button-down. Pair it with fuchsia heels for that extra kick in your step! Whether filing things alphabetically or according to some secretive industry insider code, you’ll rest easy knowing everything will be just where it’s meant to be, especially your non-functional but matching belt!
