Pink and grey are chill but judgemental

Grey is cool, crisp, and content and fully unconcerned. It is pleased to listen to both sides of an argument without ever taking a stance one way or the other. Pink, on the other hand, is prickly and opinionated, and very much invested in whatever is happening at any given moment, though it won’t always voice its concerns. By paring a bold, fiery pink with a steady, smokey grey, it will be clear that you too are one with varied, steadfast opinions, and a mind of your own, though the exact nature of those opinions will remain shrouded in mystery.


Pink and blue are a delight

Pink is sweet, and so is blue. Blue isn’t typically thought of in cloying terms the way pink often is, but when paired with pink its inner sentimentality is revealed. Blue is calm, clever, controlled, and always kind, but never aggressive. You wouldn’t think of pink as being particularly assertive either, but it is, after all, just watered-down red. But even when veering towards fuschia, pink isn’t overly forceful when paired with blue. These are, of course, colours we associate with newborns. Together their giving, non-threatening natures bolster each other to reveal a candy-coated treat. Perfect for garden parties, but maybe avoid this pairing during business meetings.


Yellow and pink are united in hope

Yellow and pink are perhaps the two least appreciated colours on the spectrum. Yellow because it is too bright and optimistic to be taken seriously, and pink because it is associated to femininity and therefore derided. What does it say about our society that what is sunny, uplifting, good, and kind is also rejected? It’s safe to say that yellow is unpopular because it is so eye-catching. People are afraid to wear it because they are afraid to draw attention to themselves. Isn’t there something tragic about that? And what of pink, which also frightens people? Men avoid it because they are afraid of being seen as feminine, but even women often avoid it for the same reason. Why is our society so negative, so harsh, so cruel and cutting? Why can’t we combine two symbols of goodness and be proud of that pairing? Most people love summer, yet still avoid these icons of sugar and sunshine. Let us triumph in our caring, uplifting tendencies, and wear both yellow and pink with pride!